Panchvati – the Sita of Sita’s Haran

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Lord Rama spent a few years of his 14-year-long vanvasa (exile) at Panchvati, a place known in the Ramayana for ‘Sita’s haran’ and many events leading up to it. Located on the banks of the Godavari, India’s second-longest river, Panchvati is associated with rich mythology and history.

Panchvati is famous for its five huge banyan trees, which in the local language (Marathi) are called Vat Vriksha. That’s how Panchvati got its name – The Land of 5 Banyan Trees.

Things To Do In Panchvati

Kala Ram Mandir: It is said that you’ll feel ananda (happiness) twice over even if you just walk by the Kala Ram Temple. The temple is built right where Rama is believed to have set up his hut with Sita and Lakshman. The story behind the name of the temple is that the sages of Panchvati pleaded with Rama to get rid of the Rakshasas or demons who occupied the region. Rama then took on his ‘Kala Roop’, or invoked his dark side, to slay and defeat them.

Sita Gufa (The Cave of Sita): It is said that Sita was a Shiva devotee and used to pray to him inside a cave, now known as the Sita Gufa. The cave also has a make-up room or shringara greha, where she is said to have spent some of her time. Sita Gufa is also believed to be the place from where the great Ravana kidnapped Sita.

Kapaleshwar Mandir: On the way to Ramkund in Panchvati, lies a Shiva temple called Kapaleshwar temple. This is maybe one of the very few places you will see a Shivalinga but not Nandi. Why? The story of Brahma Hatya will make things clear. Shiva is said to have gotten annoyed with Brahma who had said something inauspicious. In retaliation, Shiva cut off one of the heads of Brahma thereby committing the sin of Brahma Hatya. Shiva realized his mistake and tried to do all that he could to rid himself of this sin but to no avail. Nandi then suggested to Shiva to take a dip in the Godavari. Shiva was indeed absolved of all his sins after this. At this temple, Shiva accepted Nandi as his guru and hence, Nandi now having a stature higher than Shiva, couldn’t be placed alongside his linga.

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